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Designed to manipulate 180° for production, inspection and assembly applications.
side grab manipulaor vacuum lifter
• Electric or venturi power available.
• Manual or motorized product rotation.
• Adjustable for various load widths.
• Simple push button controls.
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to your specifications.
UNIVAC® Vacuum Lifters are designed for efficient, one-person operation in lifts of semi-porous and non-porous
material. Unlike magnets or edge grabs, vacuum units will not mark or scratch material surfaces or edges. Additionally,
vacuum lifters can easily lift nonferrous metals and thin sheets (under 1/4").
Benefits your company will receive with UNIVAC® Vacuum Lifters:
• Increase productivity, reducing cost.
• One person operation.
• Eliminate material damage.
• Precision handling made easier.
• Versatile handling of most materials.
• Improve storage space.
• Provide a low maintenance lifter.
• Durable for long lasting service.
ALL UNIVAC® Lifters Have:
• Registered nameplates as required by ASME.
• Rated capacities and product safety labels.
UNIVAC® Vacuum Lifters adhere to the highest quality standards in the industry and all units conform to ASME
. All UNIVAC® Vacuum Lifters are designed with a 2 to 1 vacuum safety factor.
Side Grab Manipulator Vacuum Lifter, Side Grad Vacuum Lifter, Vacuum Lifting, Hook Suspended Vacuum Lifter,
Side Grab Suction Lifter, Vacuum Manipulator Lift, Manipulator Lift and Vacuum Lifting Equipment from your source
for material handling equipment.

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