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nestable pallets
Export Nestable Pallet
By necessity, "one way"export pallets must be economical. We offer economy and much more.
Our export pallets:
• Are fabricated from environmentally friendly 100% recycled plastics
• Are easy to clean; do not require fumigation or heat treatment
• Will not gain weight in the presence of moisture or sustain water damage
• Will not harbor pests, mold, or mildew, eliminating expensive risks of refused entry or customs delays
• Require no export documentation to certify acceptance under international standards
Nestable design reduces space requirements
Because they are uniquely engineered for optimum nestability, approximately 2,200 Export Pallets can be shipped
in a 53’ trailer (compared to the industry standard of only 1,500). And because we can ship almost 47% more
pallets per truckload, your savings start as soon as the shipment leaves our plant for your destination.
Environmentally friendly, yet cost effective
Today, major industries worldwide are
recognizing the growing importance
of sustainable development and
the requirement to meet the needs
of the present without compromising
the ability of future generations to
meet their own needs. Our long and
deep commitment to sustainable
development is evidenced by the fact
that all our pallets are made of
100% recyclable plastics, and truly
represent an environmentally-friendly
approach to the fabrication of high
strength injection molded products.
Don’t forget our full range of pallets,
bulk shipping and storage containers
for industrial, agricultural and food
processing applications. They are
engineered to stand the test of time,
increase productivity and reduce
material handling costs.

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Model No.
nestable pallet
48" x 40"
17 lbs
2250 lbs
2000 lbs
4500 lbs
Nestable Pallets, meet EU, Canadian and Asian Customs Requirements, Recyclable HDPE Plastic, 4-Way Entry, Ventilated Deck,
Plastic Pallets, and Polyethylene Pallets from your source for material handling equipment.

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