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narrow aisle truck Series #394: Originally designed for transfer of merchandise
from stock to sales, all Narrow Aisle Trucks come with
3" swivel and 4" rigid polyurethane casters in a diamond
mount, allowing easy right angle turns for deliveries in any
aisle. Ideal for department stores, sewing plants and narrow
aisles or doorways. Standard caster arrangement is diamond
mount though other options are available.
Caster upgrade available.

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Inside Dimesions
L x W x D
10 35 x 20 x 26
12 47 x 20 x 26
14 47 x 23 x 26
16 54 x 23 x 26
Canvas Trucks, Canvas Baskets, Vinyl Trucks, Vinyl Baskets, Narrow Aisle Truck, Housekeeping Carts, Plastic Box Trucks,
Cleaning Cart, Cube Trucks, Linen Trucks, and Travel Hampers from your source for material handling equipment.

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