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Standard Industrial Chair
Industrial seating is engineered to maximize comfort and increase productivity in heavy industrial, institutional and commercial use.
• Seat height adjustable between 17” to
   35”, through pneumatic lift and adjustable
• Polyurethane seats and backs wipe clean
   in harsh environments
• 20” diameter foot ring with height adjustment
• 14-gauge, 1-1/4” tubular steel base
• 25” wide, five-leg base
• 300 lb. capacity
No. NF2024N.............................. $970.00
See bottom of page for Criteria
Defining Ergonomic Seating

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Spider Stool

The 1990 Spider Stool is engineered to maximize comfort. It can also
increase productivity in heavy industrial, institutional and commercial
use. The 250 lb capacity of the contoured seats offer maximum comfort
and durability.

You can also adjust the seat height of this chair from 21" to 31" high.
In addition the depth of the large padded backrest can be adjusted.
Furthermore, you can easily wipe clean the polyurethane seat and back
in harsh environments. The included glides help your chair slide across
the floor.

Being able to adjust to your chair to match your workstation height will
provide you with increased comfort. The seat and back are also
ergonomically designed for you to promote good posture.
1990 Spider Stool Features
• Tubular bottom steel base with glides
• 25" wide, five leg base
• 20" diameter foot ring
• Adjustable back rest depth
• Adjustable seat height
No. 1990 ......................... $685.63

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Arms for No. 1990,
& 2024N Chairs
Glides for #2024N
Casters for #2024N
Price: $58.31
Price: $69.81
Price: $227.60


The following criteria offer a useful check list for defining ergonomic seating. It is the total mix of these design features
and characteristics that make it possible to improve workers’ comfort, while reducing fatigue, physical stress and the
potential for musculoskeletal disorders.

1. Pneumatic Adjustablility
 Allows quick, easy changes in seat height.
2. Seat Tilt.
Affords posture balance during prolonged tasks
that require workers to bend forward.
3. Durable Seat Construction.
Microcellular, self-skinning polyurethane or high
density foam construction assures durability and
long lasting support to maintain worker comfort.
4. Ergonomic Seat Design.
Waterfall fronts ease pressure behind knees.
Saddle shape contour supports weight evenly.
5. Seat Height Adjustment.
A wide seat height adjustment allows workers,
whether tall, short or in-between, to adjust their
chairs for maximum comfort. This is critical in
multi-shift operations where the same chair may
be used by two or even three different workers.
6. Contoured Seat Backs.
Tilt to maintain lumbar support. Adjust vertically,
forward and backward to fit different workers.
7. Foot Supports.
Reduce fatigue, alleviate muscle strain, promote
better circulation. Multi-level industrial footrests.
Adjustable operational footring.
8. Upholstery.
Self-skinning, microcellular polyurethane resists
tears, punctures and spills in shop floor applications.
Abrasion resistant fabric (1,000,000 double rubs)
offers durability, breathability.
9. Five Leg Base.
Maximize stability with footprints of 26", 25" or
23" or 19" diameter, determined by chair style.
10. Warranty.
A strong warranty is your assurance that the
ergonomic seating you select is built to last.

Ergonomic Industrial Seating, Adjustable, Cleanroom Seating, Chairs, Ergonomic Chairs, Ergonomic Footrest, Footrests,
Shop Stools, Industrial Seating, Lab Stools, Stools, and Task Seating from your source for material handling equipment.

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