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concrete mailboxes concrete mailboxes The mailboxes come fully assembled, as
shown, shrink wrapped and banded to a
pallet. Price includes name plates on the sides
of the mailbox. Metal mailbox comes inserted
in the concrete. Information for plaques should
be included when placing order. Lettering and
numbers limited only by the size of the plaque
(2" x 11"). Plaques are plastic, and lettering is
gold on black. Customer must check with
local codes to assure permission and proper
placement location.
20" x 7" x 8"
25 lbs.
Finish Options: B or C
25" x 24" x 54"
525 lbs.
Finish Options: B or C
Shown in: Perma Stone
25" x 18" x 54"
450 lbs.
Finish Options: B or C
Shown in: Dura Brite
Color to be uniform throughout as approved
by owner or specifier in accordance with
manufacturer's recommendations.
Portland Cement: ASTM C150 type 1 or 3.
All aggregate to meet ASTM C33
Physical Characteristics
All exposed surfaces are treated to remove
the surface matrix and expose the aggregate
produced by chemical retardent - not
sandblasting. All precast shall have the
water repellent sealer treatment applied in
strict accordance with manufacturer's
specifications. All tolerances shall be within
1/8" of specified dimensions, designed for
structural analysis and calculations.
60" x 21" x 79"
800 lbs.
Finish Options: B or C
25" x 15" x 54"
540 lbs.
Finish Options: B or C
See below pricing for Finishes

Order Online, by Phone, or by E-Mail

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Click the Model No. of the item you wish to purchase.

Model No. Size Weight Price
MLBXC 21" x 10" x 72" 210 lbs
MLBXPC 25" x 18" x 53" 450 lbs
MLBXAPC 25" x 24" x 54" 525 lbs
MLBX-DD 25" x 15" x 54" 540 lbs
MLBXPC2 25" x 26" x 56" 550 lbs
MLBX5 60" x 21" x 79" 800 lbs
MLBXPH 20" x 7" x 8" 25 lbs
25" x 18" x 54"
470 lbs.
B - Exposed Aggregate for Precast Concrete
C - Light Sandblasted Textures for Precast Concrete
*Note: Colors will vary slightly in here compared
to actual product. Samples upon request.
Smooth Finishes available with Custom polished option. Additional charges.

Concrete Planters, Planters, Security Planters, Cement Planter, Commercial Concrete Planter, Concrete Security Planters, Flower
Planters, Site Furnishings, and Steel Planters from your source for material handling equipment.

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